Gibson's Green Acres Dairy Farm, Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze!!
Last week when I was writing about our corn maze experience I knew we wanted to also go to Gibson's Green Acres Dairy's corn maze. I contacted Andrea Gibson to ask for their Facebook page to include in my last post's link and she was so sweet and gave us free tickets even though I told her we were already planning on coming out to her corn maze anyways. So we had an amazing night and we are planning on going back again because we had so much fun!!
Gibson's Green Acres is a family dairy farm and Andrea talked about how they decided to diversify and do the corn maze and pumpkin patch in order to adapt to growth in the community and to benefit both the farm and the community. They had a tractor tour of the whole farm where Andrea taught us all about the cows and the milk and the farm. It was so fun!
They had so much stuff for kids to do with Spool Racing, Duck Racing, the Huge Corn Pit, the Big Slide and the Little Slide, a Petting Zoo, the Hay Maze and the Pumpkin Patch. They also had a fire pit to warm up by! The corn maze was also unique because the corn was soooo tall and they had different options once you got in the maze. We did the quick maze because we had Jackson and it was getting cold. It was perfect! We got to wander around and find our way out pretty easily but it was still fun.
The corn maze was actually planted by GPS and is the first precision planted maze in Utah. Andrea designed the maze and was able to program it into their corn planter so the maze grew exactly where they wanted it to! Their corn is so tall that you feel like you are in your own isolated world in the maze and it is so nice to not be tripping over broken off corn stalks or stubble from removed corn stalks like in some other mazes.
The pumpkin patch was another amazing part of the farm that I could do a whole post on. They planted several varities so there are huge orange pumpkins, rounder deep orange pumpkins, super warty pumpkins, and even teal pumpkins. Did I mention they are as cheap or cheaper than grocery store pumpkins!? That's right you can take your kids out to the best pumpkin patch I have ever seen, let them wander around and pick the pumpkin they want and it is an amazing deal too! We are definitely getting our pumpkins from them!!
They have extended hours for UEA weekend this weekend so if you haven't made it out yet you should definitely go. :)
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