Friday, May 15, 2015

M.I.A. and a Confession

I have been so wishy-washy with my blog for so long now and I apologize to those of you who have supported me and told me that you enjoy reading it :(  I'm so sorry!

I would like to go back to posting but just twice a week and making a video once a week :)  I think I will be able to share quality content and still spend time with my family and work my Posh business that way :)

Honestly, (confession time) I was spending soooo much time on this blog the two months or so that I was posting really often.  I was working hard to get the posts up and then to try to promote them at link parties etc., and I became obsessed with it.  I started looking at my ad earnings almost everyday and dreaming about being a big time blogger (or at least getting some money out of it, lol) and I got a little carried away.

I want to come back but I know that I can't do that again.  My husband actually told me recently that part of the reason that he didn't really like me doing Posh at first was because he felt like I had replaced him with this blog and then that I replaced the blog with Posh. :(  

I felt so terrible when he said that because I know that I did spend way too much time and energy on this blog.  I need to learn balance going forward and I am still excited about blogging and my Posh business, but I am learning (I hope) moderation.  I am naturally an all in or out type of person so it is hard for me to learn moderation, but I am working on it :)

Does anyone else have this problem?  The all in/borderline obsession or all out problem?

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